L-Love yourself
I-Illuminate the true spirit of holidays
G-Give the gift of love to yourself and others
H-Honest appraisal of how you feel and what’s going on
T-Trust your inner knowing to guide you
T- Trust your inner knowing to guide you.
As we continue through the holidays, trust your inner knowing to guide you. We are into full swing of the parties and celebrating Hanukkah, Solstice and Christmas — all of which are celebrations of light. Amid the hubbub you may make a change in your plans, decide not to do one thing or to do something different at the last minute. Trust your inner knowing! Trust me shifting plans completely has happened to me three times in the past two weeks!It will work out.
Trust your inner knowing to guide you should become more than a nice phrase, but words to live by.
I just read a beautiful blog post by the Abundant Mama called “The real gifts aren’t under the tree”. Oh how true that is! I hope you take a few moments to read and enjoy her insight: http://www.abundantmama.com/the-real-gifts-arent-under-the-tree-2/
I didn’t realize when I started this series of blogs that LIGHTen Up and Carry On Heart Centered Holidays would be the segway into the New Year. It’s now time for celebrating the Light within us and within others… and to carry that forward into the New Year.
Trusting our inner knowing to step up and be our radiant light is the message I want us all to embrace.
Wishing you moments of joy during the holidays.