L-Love yourself
I-Illuminate the true spirit of holidays
G-Give the gift of love to yourself and others
H-Honest appraisal of how you feel and what’s going on
T-Trust your inner knowing to guide you
Give a gift of Love
When you do you’ll feel the peace of a dove
Take a breath your stress will be less
If you don’t know where to start
Trust your heart
Ask a question for inspiration
Be creative and feel your elation
As a gift of love pops into your mind
Know it was there all the time BJS
Giving a gift of love can lessen stress, create memories, and heart felt connections. Enjoy heart centered “shopping” and let your heart easily find the perfect gift to make, give or purchase for someone on your list. Thank you to all the creative heart centered women (and man) who I found on Pinterest. For a variety of gifts from the practical to the esoteric go to DiamondPathways.com/resources/ and Pinterest.com/DiamondPathways (boards Heart Centered Holidays and Holiday Gifts)
Before you shop! Although written for Moms it certainly is
a good thing for all women to say Yes to!
A gift of love to keep you in the flow.
It would be a wonderful gift to give yourself and say Yes and not No.