Gratitude opens your heart and the space for more miracles and magic to show up in your life. Pausing during the day, at night or in the morning to express a quick prayer of thanks, or appreciation for whatever has happened is powerful. Expressing gratitude and appreciation on a daily basis connects you to the deepest most powerful aspects of you-your divine self. Gratitudes pave the way for your life to move with more grace ease. Researchers in the Positive Psychology arena continue to find that people who practiced gratitude on a regular basis were happier, healthier and yes wealthier.
“Gratefulness for all of our many blessings – this month – the month of November is the time that most minds and hearts tune into the energy of gratitude – and so the influence of our personal gratitude statements increases because the over-all vibration of gratitude on our planet is so high.“ Unity Minister, Lauren McLaughlin, author of Go to Elf Special
If you already have a gratitude practice how can you expand it. If you or your family doesn’t have a regular time. Make this the year you start a gratitude ritual. For some ideas.
Happy Thanksgiving! Safe travels! Enjoy those treasured moments with family and friends,
PS “Everyone has angels that are always around them. You can’t always see them but your heart knows they are there.” says Joy and Dan from Angel Talk Cafe.
I am delighted as Joy and Dan come back on their blog talk radio show Angel Cafe to be their guest on December 1st at 9:00 PM ET. Mark your calendar. The show will be recorded. Monday, December 1st at 9:00 PM
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