Amy Camie, CCM is passionate about sharing her love, living her truth, and empowering others to do the same.
As a mother of two grown boys, Amy and her husband, John, have walked the walk for over 30 years, finding joy, peace, laughter, and deep connection along the way.
Her website is full of healing music that soothes the soul, conscious self-care resources, interviews, articles, and insights into her two journeys with breast cancer, books, videos, and empowering steps toward self-discovery.
Connect with Amy on Facebook or through her website: www.AmyCamie.com
An integrative physician and author of the book I am You, You Are me.
Sharing many resources to reveal a more colorful, joyful, connected, peaceful world. Committed to empowering the journey of healing.
www.anufrench.com is a fun site to find art and more. Facebook.com/lotuscreations is a great place where Anu shares easy and creative thoughts for adults and children on how to happy and healthy.
Dr. Laura Markham @DrLauraMarkham ahaparenting.com
Dr. Laura Markham trained as a Clinical Psychologist, earning her PhD from Columbia University. But she’s also a mom, so she translates proven science into the practical solutions you need for the family life you want. Making the world a better place … one family at a time. Author of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids & Peaceful Parent. Dr. Markham has blogs, parenting tips, videos, Peaceful Parent Happy Kids online course and more for children of all ages.
Kids Relaxation products by Zemirah Jazwierska
Helping parents and educators activate children’s highest potential.
Great ebooks and audios for children and parents. School psychologist and certified coach, Zemirah Jazwierski, Ed.S., offers resources for parents, educators, and children.
Special Ideas for a Better World
Life Dice is a game that is both fun to play and sparks meaningful interactions between people of all ages.
It consists of a set of two polished wooden dice. One has six conversation-starting questions, and the other tells the player how to answer in a quirky way, which adds to the fun.
Bon Bon Break- Simplify, Inspire, Connect. (Of course I would love anything called Bon Bon.)
We all love Bon Bon Break – an online magazine for modern moms that cuts through the internet chaos to bring you advice and inspiration. Simplify your life and connect with other moms. They have great ideas for all areas of life!
Elephant Journal is “dedicated to the mindful life” and taps into all areas of life including parenting articles from a connected, natural-green and spiritual view.
This is a great article on children becoming the teachers of unconditional love.
This is a great article on Authentic parenting by the Elephant Journal.
I enjoy writing a monthly article for this bi-monthly online magazine, where there is a wealth of information from many authors on lots of interesting topics.
“We know our readers are curious about the Shift that is taking place in our world today. It’s our goal to help cut through the hype and confusion while creating a new way to see things, a way that allows readers to break it all down and make the best decisions for themselves, their family and the community as a whole.” ~ Conscious Shift editor Tracey
One Time through is making the most out of everyday life. Onetime through.com is a wonderful blog for ideas for young children, building resiliency and “getting the most out of being a parent enjoying your child” and much much more.
“I have a passion for learning new things and keeping on top of the latest positive parenting and educational trends. The parenting advice that I research and share – focuses on positive techniques that help parents and teachers maintain a caring and respectful connection with kids. One Time Through, reflects my desire to make the most of every moment that I have in this life, as well as the time that I have with my only son as he is growing up…. Before I entered the teaching profession I worked as a Behavioural Therapist with autistic preschoolers and then with brain-injured teens. I also have extensive experience working with children with learning difficulties and disabilities.” ~Sue
A wonderful site for parents of highly sensitive children. There are great blogs posts and resources for both sensitive children and adults.
“If you’re a parent and a perfectionist, this blog is for you. Click through for positive parenting solutions, inspirational quotes, helpful printables, and more.blog is about accepting the fact that we can’t make it perfect, but that doesn’t mean we’ll stop trying for the best. It’s about forgiving ourselves for the mistakes we make. But most of all, it’s about celebrating those delicious compromises that crop up at the intersection of perfect and good enough.” ~Kelly
Great post-idealistmom.com/7-Ways-to-stop-your-kid-from-whining/
Alissa Marquess CreativeWithKids.com
The Best tips to ease your parenting struggles.
I thought about the way my grandmother treasured the memories of her days as a mother to young children and I didn’t want to get to her age and regret these years. I began my journey out of survival mode when I wrote 100 Ways to be Kind to Your Child, and it helped me remember the simple things that matter most.
Three very helpful and practical posts:
- http://creativewithkids.com/64-encouraging-things-to-say-to-kids
- http://creativewithkids.com/category/empowering-kids
- http://creativewithkids.com/journey-towards-un-entitled-kids
The House of Hendrix where joy, grace and imperfection abound.
“I have learned my family isn’t supposed to look like yours, and despite all our imperfections we have been blessed with great joy.”
Becky Tountas at BeckyTountas.com
“After ten years as an attorney, I retired from the practice of law to become a stay at home mom. This gave me the opportunity to develop my lifelong love of writing. Today I am a Health Coach and an ACE certified group fitness instructor. I believe in mindful living and present parenting. ” You can find articles by Becky on Huffington Post, Mamalode, Elephant Journal, BlogHer, Bonbon Break, and Mom Babble.
Dayna at LemonLimeAdventures.com
“I recently was an early childhood teacher in a very large public school system. I dedicated 12 years of my life to teaching other people’s children from preschool to first grade. I strived to create an environment where each and every child felt nurtured, independent and responsible for their own learning. I would like to think my classroom and teaching consisted of hands-on centers, guided reading, inquiry-based projects and out-of-the-box thinking. As a public school teacher, I always sought to provide an environment that was nurturing, engaging, and inspiring to children.” lemonlimeadventures.com/10-resources-to-hlep-kids-handle-negative-emotions/
A Mother Daughter partnership makes Leading Edge Parenting a powerful shift in parenting. Sandi Schwarz adds her “compassionate, inspirational approach and a successful 40 year career as teacher, executive director, radio show host and author” to Leading Edge Parenting. Melissa Schwartz, her daughter, adds her intense, sensitive, power seeking energy to support children and parents. “Her passion for giving a ‘voice’ to the legitimate needs of children expand the potential of the parent-child relationship”.
This teams brings us -A NEW PARENTING PARADIGM
“We bridge the gap between old fashioned discipline techniques and leading edge wisdom. Create the family life you want~You can have happy, cooperative, successful children and parent from a wise heart and a joyful spirit.“~Sandi and Melissa Schwartz
If you have a highly sensitive child great resources here:Highly Sensitive children
Dr. Ted Zeff is considered one of the world’s experts on the trait of high sensitivity. He currently teaches workshops and consults internationally on coping strategies for highly sensitive children and adults. Dr. Zeff is considered one of the world’s experts on the trait of high sensitivity. Dr. Zeff’s articles about how to detect and prevent bullying have appeared in many magazines including Texas and Ohio state PTA, Canadian Association for Child and Play Therapy.
Articles DrTedZeff.com/articles/
Warning Signs that your Child is Being Bullied
Prevent your Sensitive Son from Being Bullied
Sensitive Men Can Save the Planet
Creating a New Generation of Compassionate and Sensitive Men
Saving our Sons: A 10-step Plan to Keep them Nonviolent