“This book has strategies for a particular place and purpose, and different conditions. You’ve covered the whole gamut of life situations and life strategies.”
“Take any or some of these on a daily basis and watch your energy levels transform and notice how you will blossom and open yourself to the Star that you are.”
As we move more deeply into the transformative energy of 2020 …
… “it is really important to finish up the inner-work this month, and especially thru this final cocooning week of retrograde. We will continue to clean up and balance our energy, to pull our parts back, to establish & solidify healthy boundaries, and to tie up loose ends…well, all year likely…” ~Lauren Gorgo
We are always being given opportunities to let go of old programming. Once it’s been transformed, we are enabled to connect more deeply to our own sovereign selves, to the divine and to our purpose here.
This purpose is your beingness and what gives you joy on this planet.
How do you do this?
Go with the flow. How many times have you heard that? What does that really mean?Sometimes it’s easy to stay in the present and move with the shifts and changes. Sometimes it’s not so easy. What’s helpful to reach the deeper insight and stay connected to your intuition? Let yourself experience the emotions. Then be curious about what that message is in the situation.
Having a win-win, giving-receiving heart and mindset is important for our purpose and joy to show up in ways we never imagined.
Epic failure or maybe not?
Jan Rysdon, co-author with me of both Heart-Thoughtful Books, and I had created quite a bit of buzz around our Facebook Live book launch. Not only did we have virtual friends coming to the party, we invited friends who had read Be Your Most Powerful Self to be with us. We planned a physical live party with champagne, food, and goodies.
The computer was set up and in place – ready for the green light to record from the Sparkle Your Light Facebook page. We were posed, poised and ready! Alas … technology was not on our side. The Facebook live video didn’t open.Not perfect, but on to plan B.
Instead, we recorded live video on the Zoom platform. Unfortunately, when the file came in it was only the audio part of the party-no video.
After doing some breathing and expressing gratitude for the support we had, I released a breath. In that breath, the thought occurred to me to take pictures and use the audio recording. We still had our party and we have a video to share with you. Watch it here!
All of this has caused me to stop and think about the intentions for our two heart-thoughtful books Be Your Most Powerful Self and A Blueprint for Happy, Resilient, Parents, Teachers & Kids. It became clear to me that our books are not being introduced to the world in the traditional way, and the new ways can pose a challenge! I just had to let go of old programming and look at the new opportunities and ways to connect with those who are looking for these heart-thoughtful guidance.
It’s our desire to support women and children in being heart-thoughtful, present, and focused -giving them the ability to be resilient. We know this happens one person at a time but there’s a faster trajectory in community.
So, as we share our not so epic failure launch party, we ask you to share it too. You never know where the conversation may lead – but with an attitude of non-attachment, we all may find a shift in direction.This is a year where the energies are challenging, exciting and supporting what is heart-soul intended.
Where ever you are on your journey keep being curious about what happens that may look like failure and where you are being led next,
“We are being called to first to (1) trust in ourselves and 2) to focus these energies with discipline, to be really vigilant with our mastery.” ~Lauren Gorgo