Stop Conversation Fires, Speak Giraffe!
Stop conversation fires! How to Have a Conversation to Facilitate Understanding… During this time of tremendous change how do you navigate your relationships with those close to you – your partner, children, family, co-workers, and friends? The breaking down of what…
How this Epic Fail??? “Pushed” Me into the Flow
“It is a wonderful easy to read with thoughtful, yet easy ideas to live your best life.” “This book has strategies for a particular place and purpose, and different conditions. You’ve covered the whole gamut of life situations and life strategies.”…
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Kindness and Gratitude Walk Hand in Hand
** Be sure to read through the two special messages at the end** Gratitude and kindness are powerful forces. And, it’s exciting that more and more people are becoming aware that kindness and gratitude aren’t just for the month of…
Move from Hijacked to Heart-Thoughtful
Are there days when you feel like you sparkle with confidence, clarity and a sense of calm? And no matter what comes your way or how busy you are, you find whatever happens all works out – even the challenges? Those…
2 Sensitive or 2 Emotional? 2 Moons to Celebrate You Part 2
2 Sensitive or 2 Emotional? Two Moons to Celebrate You! Part 2 What Color are Your Champagne Bubbles? Wow! What a month and I know you’ve felt it! You’ve probably caught that strong vibe of change in the air, too. We had…
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2 Sensitive or 2 Emotional-2 Moons to Celebrate You!
2 Sensitive or 2 Emotional? 2 Moons and Celebrate You this Month! Harness the Energy of the Moon Part 1 September is a wonderful time to celebrate you! Celebrating the magic of your sensitivity and your intuition! It’s also a time…
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One key element can transform your journey and your kids!
One key element can transform your journey and your kids! Intuition is the spark that lights the journey and creativity is the path that takes you there. I don’t know about you, but for me creativity has a mind…
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11 School Hacks for Sensitive & Intuitive Children (4-8), Parents, and Grandparents
You may say I’m not a parent and I don’t have grandchildren. Don’t stop reading! Despite, the title, this is for you too! The hacks are for sensitive and intuitive people of all ages. They can be used just the way…
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You Can Break Your Happiness “Glass Ceiling” !
“When you’re a kid happiness is planned for you. After that? Not so much.” ~ Ellen Steidman, Time Special Edition, The Science of Happiness As adults we think we don’t need to focus on being happy; we have other more important things…
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Lock in Love
Children naturally recall their connection to being created from a loving energy. They evoke their innate gifts. They remember they aren’t powerless. It is easy to get caught up in the outside world where we are encouraged to build “cognitive…
Create an “Appreciation App”
Create an “Appreciation” App “Grateful kids look outside their one-person universe and understand that their parents and other people do things for them… prepare dinner, dole out hugs, buy toys, etc. Lewis continues saying “On the flip side, kids who aren’t…
Are You Ready to Bloom Gracefully this Spring?
Many are aware of the Equinox and new moon configuration that heralded Spring this past weekend. Or maybe not! Yes, I know many still have snow and cold. Despite the lack of evidence of Spring in some places, the seasons are…
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Do NOT Meditate. “Meditating” Can Hurt Your Brain (And, Yes, Your Life!)
Many people think that meditating is taking an hour or so to quiet the noise in your brain (and it is but it isn’t the only way we meditate). But the truth is, when you think about anything,…
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Can Angels Help Children Feel Better about Themselves?
Thank you Patricia for the great review of Angel Violet’s Magic Wings. I feel so honored that Patricia Tilton, reviewer, wrote about Angel Violet’s Magic Wings. Here is a a small quote from Patricia. “Synopsis: A delightful book that helps children…
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Seed Your Dreams Now
Seed Your Dreams NOW! A Solitary Flower is exquisite…But many flowers make a garden — each leaf, bud, and bloom beautiful on it’s own, yet enhanced by the contrast and beauty surrounding it. How does a garden begin?…
What Dreams are YOU Waiting For?
Image from Spirit and Science Many people are waiting for something…what? Time… Money…When the kids Grow Up…When I retire… For the right time…. For things to be perfect…. The best time is …NOW to Dream and Imagine if you want your…
Trust Yourself and the True Gifts of the Holidays
L-Love yourself I-Illuminate the true spirit of holidays G-Give the gift of love to yourself and others H-Honest appraisal of how you feel and what’s going on T-Trust your inner knowing to guide you T-…
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Great Expectations
L-Love yourself I-Illuminate the true spirit of holidays G-Give the gift of love to yourself and others H-Honest appraisal of how you feel and what’s going on T-Trust your inner knowing to guide you In the middle of this holiday season…
Gifts from the Heart: Holiday Gift Giving
Heart Centered Holidays: Keep Calm and Carry On L-Love yourself I-Illuminate the true spirit of holidays G-Give the gift of love to yourself and others H-Honest appraisal of how you feel and what’s going on T-Trust your inner knowing to guide you…
What is Your Holiday Glue?
Heart Centered Holidays: Keep Calm and Carry On L-Love yourself I-Illuminate the true spirit of holidays G-Give the gift of love to yourself and others H-Honest appraisal of…
Gratitude, the Magic of Blessings
Gratitude opens your heart and the space for more miracles and magic to show up in your life. Pausing during the day, at night or in the morning to express a quick prayer of thanks, or appreciation for whatever has happened is…
Stress Free Holidays? -Maybe? Yes!
LIGHTen Up Stay Calm and Carry On L-Love yourself I-Illuminate the true spirit of holidays G-Give the gift of love to yourself and others H-Honest appraisal of how you feel and what’s going on T-Trust your inner knowing to guide…
Illuminate True Holiday Spirit
LIGHTen UP Stay Calm and Carry On L-Love yourself I-Illuminate the true spirit of holidays G-Give the gift of love to yourself and others H-Honest appraisal of how you feel and what’s going on T-Trust your inner knowing to guide you…
Stop Create Magic
SHINE YOUR LIGHT FOR THE HOLIDAYS L – Love yourself -L-Love to Stop? Probably not, but here’s why you will love to Stop! I – Illuminate the true spirit of the holidays G – Give gifts of love to yourself and others…
Heart Centered Holidays: Stay Calm and Carry On
How many times does your LIGHT get dimmed during the holidays? Wouldn’t you love to stay calm and carry on? When you feel your light beginning to fade, there are pathways you can turn to, to help you remember what you…
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How to get kids to talks what every parent should know
“How to get kids to talk about school: what every parent should know” by Teachmama is a great article on a variety of practical ways to open communication with your children. “How to get kids to talk about school: what every…
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How Was Your Day?
Connect To Your Child and Get The Real Scoop On What’s Happening How was your day? How many times have we used the “How was your day?” question to pry information from our kids, grandkids or even our spouses and they…
Don’t Let Stress Rob You or Your Children of Summer Relaxation & Fun
Don’t Let Stress Rob You Or Your Children of Summer Relaxation and Fun! Summertime, the season of sun, fun, and relaxation … or is it? How relaxed are you if your vacation preparations have left you…
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