** Be sure to read through the two special messages at the end**
Gratitude and kindness are powerful forces. And, it’s exciting that more and more people are becoming aware that kindness and gratitude aren’t just for the month of November and Thanksgiving. Sometimes we delightfully find kindness and gratitude coming from unexpected places and people.
“I want to do this every day,” says a 9-year-old, third-grader, after handing out “light up kindness bracelets” to the staff as a part of the Kindness Project. The Kindness Project/Kindness Squad was started by a group of amazing parents at a local K-8 Charter school who saw a need to actively involve children in acts of kindness. The project is composed of several aspects including a classroom activity and a monthly activity geared to uplift, show appreciation, and demonstrate kindness to the staff.
This month, walking from classroom to classroom, the children’s faces lit up as they handed out the light-up kindness bracelets to the staff. Many of them smiled in appreciation and others responded excitedly, immediately placing their Kindness gift on their wrists. It was heartwarming and uplifting to watch.
Most heart-opening, however, was hearing a young girl’s excitement and seeing how she was truly touched by the energy of kindness she felt as she handed bracelets to the staff. A young girl, who I suspect, doesn’t always feel the energy of kindness. But she had a seed planted that day, one which down the road may affect a choice she has to make in a positive manner, rather than a way that wouldn’t be beneficial to her.
The “light up” bracelets we gave the staff read, “We appreciate your light”. On the back were some ”kudos for kindness” ideas. Most important was the message on the bracelet to remember to be kind to yourself. Kudos for Kindness ideas came from the book I co-authored with Jan Rysdon A Blueprint for Happy, Resilient, Parents, Teachers & Kids.
“Why be kind?
The bottom line is it makes you feel good. Kindness can boost your self-esteem as you view yourself as a compassionate person.” Gratitude and kindness towards yourself and others changes how the world looks from the inside out.
Since September, I’ve been truly grateful to be a part of The Kindness project. Supporting teachers and parents in helping children have more experiences involving kindness, gratitude, respect, responsibility, diversity, and understanding is a gift. Teachers and those who work in schools aren’t often appreciated for their hard work and the care they give our children and teens. I appreciate that I can be part of this project.
This activity was also a very good reminder to be as kind to yourself as you are to others.
I encourage you to spend time this month recalling back through the year where you found kindness in unsuspecting places and how that act of kindness turned into gratitude and appreciation.
Let November gratitude’s kindle the flames of kindness to others and yourself all year,
P.S. We love for you to give yourself a gift of a 3-Week Mini Online Course to help you keep your sanity and find joy this holiday season!
LIGHTen Up This Holiday Season and Avoid Overwhelm with 9 Heart-Thoughtful Strategies–Join Jan Rysdon and I for our new 3-week online course to stay focused and tuned into your inner guidance, and keep your energy high during your many activities of the holidays. We’ll also share the core components to self-care, staying in your center, and how to tune in and stay connected to your inner guidance not only during the holidays but all year long.
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