Are there days when you feel like you sparkle with confidence, clarity and a sense of calm? And no matter what comes your way or how busy you are, you find whatever happens all works out – even the challenges?
Those are the days you’re sparkling your light and being heart-thoughtful!
Sparkling your light and being “heart-thoughtful” is the natural partnering with your heart and your mind. You may have –
- Stopped to take a breath before you made a decision
- Trusted your intuition
- Listened to your body when you needed food or a quick break
- Stopped when you were tired
- Had focus and concentration for a project
- Didn’t react in a difficult situation
- Reminded yourself to stay in the present moment
You may have had compassion for yourself or someone else or took a moment to be appreciative of someone or something. You can also, without a doubt, remember a day you were totally highjacked and disconnected. There was no light to be seen, no sparkle to be found. You lost You, and then navigated the day without any sense of ease. Then…
Overwhelm set in.
You moved into automatic pilot just to get through the day. You completed what needed to be done, possibly missing the small things, feeling tired or making mistakes. You were hijacked by your body’s natural protective system to fight, flight, or freeze response . Yes, the stress response.
In those moments you’re helpless to know how to do something different. You are held captive by your nervous system to “survive” the day. You’ve been disconnected from your heart and mind and your ability to listen to your intuition. It’s no different for your children. They may sparkle with confidence leaving the house but lose their sparkle before they get home.
The Sparkle Your Light site was created as a place of hope, inspiration and wonder for you, our visitor to find ideas on how to stay head and heart connected. Our intention is for you to find books, audios, websites, programs and products to support and inspire You and your children to Keep Your Sparkle, your individual light.
Our site has some new sparkle to make it easier for you to navigate. And we have added some new products as well.
I’m happy to also announce a new book I co-authored with Jan Segers Rysdon A Blueprint for Happy, Resilient, Parents, Teachers & Kids which gives you 24 easy to use self-empowerment strategies to strengthen your foundation to love and live your life with less stress and more ease, with adaptations for children and teachers. As you use these strategies you empower yourself and your children and change happens! Check it out! This is the first book in a series on Heart-Thoughtful Mindfulness now on Amazon. Or read more at A Blueprint for Happy Resilient Parents, Teachers, and Kids. on the Sparkle Your Light site.
And look for: Be Your Most Powerful Self: 15 Heart-thoughtful Strategies to nurture your inner confidence, connection & calm coming soon
The intention of the Heart-Thoughtful Mindfulness books is to offer guidance within the pages to support You (and your children and those around you) from getting permanently hijacked. These are simple strategies require just a few minutes for you to feel clear, calm and focused (heart-thoughtful) again. Using these strategies you’ll more easily be able to stay connected to your inner guidance and turn down the noise of overwhelm, making your day and life a bit easier.
Be Heart-Thoughtful,
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