Children naturally recall their connection to being created from a loving energy. They evoke their innate gifts. They remember they aren’t powerless. It is easy to get caught up in the outside world where we are encouraged to build “cognitive muscles”, but not the “heart muscle“- in ourselves and our children.
A few weeks ago, my brother and our cat were experiencing major health challenges at the same time. When Sienna, five years old, heard about this she wanted draw a picture to help the cat feel better, and so we did. The heart-loving energy put into a picture made us both feel better.
We called our team of Angels Angel Violet, Angel Lucy and Angel Charlie and sent them to both my brother and the cat. The last thing we did was close our eyes. First, we focused on our hearts, feeling the love. Then we took a deep breath in. As we let it go we sent love from our hearts to my brother and cat.
I am sure it was transferred to my brother and to the cat, for the next day both were significantly better. Of course we will never know for sure if what we did helped, but the heart message we received was that it did!
We tend to forget that when we’re connected to something bigger than ourselves, and only give it a thought when synchronicities abound. After sending love with Sienna, I happened to look through Doc Childre’s book Teaching Children to Love: 80 Activities, Games, and Fun for raising Balanced Children in Unbalanced Times. (
Although I am familiar with Heart Math activities and electronics, I didn’t know there was something called Heart Lock In for kids. Reading through the steps I realized how it was similar to what I did with Sienna. Simple, but powerful, actions to remind children (and adults) that they deserve love and that there is plenty for everyone.
What a wonderful reminder for February, the month of Love and Valentine’s day!
Heart Math research shows that children who lack love have a harder time learning. When placed in a nurturing and caring environment, children love to learn.
Love is important. Teaching children how to love themselves is very important. Loving others is a natural part of a child’s fun and enjoyment in life. It’s easy to lose the feeling of unconditional love among the business of life and the “rules” of home and school. Love is essential to balance the complexities offered by life. Model self-love and self-nurturing to children whenever you can.
Heart Lock In For Kids by Doc Childre
Explain that Heart Lock In is like putting a key into the lock of your heart and opening the door of your heart so love can come in and so you can send love out
- Focus on your heart the place you can put your hand on your heart and pretend you have a key to the door of your heart
- You can turn the key and unlock the door
- Breathe into your heart. As you breath in through your nose you are bringing more love in and when you breath out through your nose you can send love out to someone.
During this month of love and heart focus, start a new ritual. Create time at night, at the dinner table or whenever your heart feels it right. Help yourself and your children to open the door to your hearts. Fill your hearts with love …. and then send the flow of love out.
Using the simple sending of love will create an environment of nurture, connectivity and enjoyment for both the sender and the receiver!
Remembering the love within our heart creates magic,
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